An application that should not miss any Christian-Orthodox in Romania 2019
Calendar Ortodox 2019 Romania va permite sa fiti mereu la zi cu sarbatorile care urmeaza si randuielile bisericesti de peste an. Aceasta aplicatie poate fi folosita si offline (fara internet) pentru a avea intotdeauna la indemana calendarul. Pentru mai multe detalii despre Sfantul din ziua respectiva trebuie decat sa apasati pe textul zilei si veti fi redirectionat catre sectiunea online (necesita internet) cu mai multe informatii. Sarbatori importante precum Pastele, Craciunul, Nasterea Maicii Domnului, si altele sunt atent detaliate in acest calendar.Haideti sa fim alaturi de Dumnezeu si Iisus ca niste crestini adevarati si sa incercam sa respetam zilele de post si rugaciune si sa fim mai buni alaturi de Taina Sfintei Cruci.Doamne Ajuta si ocroteste-i pe romanii de pretutindeni!Orthodox Calendar 2019 Romania allows you to keep up-to-date with the celebrations that follow and the church rosters over the year. This application can also be used offline (without internet) to keep your calendar up to date. For more details about the Saint of that day, just click on the text of the day and you will be redirected to the online section (requires internet) with more information. Important holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Birth of Our Lady, and others are carefully detailed in this calendar.Let us be with God and Jesus as true Christians and try to respond to fasting and prayer days and to be better with the Holy Cross.God help and protect the Romans everywhere!Ver. 1.2